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Welcome to the Department of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering web site, the CNCE department has built an international reputation for excellence in teaching, research, and service.

The Department of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering at National Taiwan Ocean University is to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art education that prepares our students to be successful in engineering practice and advanced studies.

We encourage you to browse through the information we have provided on our web site, and to feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.


CNCE History

Founded in 1987 as the Institute of Maritime Technology, the institute only offered MS program for postgraduates. In 2000, the Department of Guidance and Communications Technology was established, which offered two-year undergraduate program for graduates from junior colleges. Then in 2002, the institute and the department merged as the Department of Guidance and Communications Technology, and then the Department of Communications and Guidance Engineering in 2004. It has been renamed the Department of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering since 2006. To date the department offers MS degree and BS degree.


Development Focus

1. The programs in the Department of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering undergo continuing improvement to ensure the highest standards. Excellence and innovation in teaching and research are emphasized in three specialties including advanced control, electronic navigation, and mobile radio communications and signal processing.

2. The faculty members have made significant achievements in developments of government granted research projects and contributed for technology transfer and commercialized products.

3. The department conducts research and education in communications, navigation and control engineering and provides service to the university, the region, the nation, and the world.

4. Faculty and staff strive to train up future leaders in academia and industry, with excellent technical skills, strong characters, and life-long learning abilities.


Advanced study

     The department is being conducted across a wide spectrum within the areas covered by three research groups, with research areas spanning the continuum from undergraduate independent study to applied research and pure basic research. Our specialties include Air Navigation and Guidance, Satellite Image and Signal Processing, Control Theory, Intelligent Control, Wireless Communications and Smart Antenna Designs, Mobile Infotainment, Micro-electronics and Machine Intelligence, and Embedded Systems. The department has been very successful in strengthening its link with industry and government research organizations. We have 12 research laboratories set up during the past 6 years with the aim to enhance our postgraduate program.


Career Opportunities

Our students were offered jobs as engineers immediately upon completing their academic program, if there is no military obligation. In 2005, over 50% of graduates from the undergraduate programs were engaged in postgraduate studies within a few months after graduation. Their careers mostly involved GPS manufacturing, electronic systems, communications equipment, and cellular & wireless operations with Evergreen Aviation, Chunghwa Telecom, ITRI, Motorola, Asus, Wintec, Toshiba, AUO, Chimei, Quanta, Delta, and Nortel, etc. 


Contact Us

TEL:+886-2-2462-2192 ext 7201
Address:No.2, Beining Rd., Jhongjheng District, Keelung City 202, Taiwan(R.O.C)


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